
Freedom of Speech

[They] use to speak one thinge and mean another. . . . They will say and unsay in one breath. . . . Before the late Act against Raunters, they spake boldly, now they dare not. . . . Since the pretence of the conversion of severall of them to the way of truth, they have a generall straine of Clothing their corrupt notions with sound words, especially such Scripture expressions as will beare a generall sence, as for Instance. They will tell you that Christ was Crucified at Jerusalem, . . . but in what sence? abominably corrupt, as a type and figure ot the true death of Christ in them (as they pretend). . . . It seems to me, from what I have knowne of them, they will put themselves on all expressions, wayes and windings, to keep themselves from being known, but to their owne: you shall not know where to find them, so as to fasten on them, but their own shall know their meaning, and so may you when you have once got their Key. . . . You shall find it, for a never failing observation, they will first insinuate an interest in your affections, and then corrupt your judgements. They will smile upon you, and cut your throate: use melting words, Honnysweet, smoothe as oyle, but full of poyson . . .

John Tickell, Minister of Abingdon, The Bottomles Pit Smoaking in Familisme . . . together with some breef notes on AB. COPPS Recantation Sermon (as 'twere). Qtd. in Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium 296-297


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